This isn't some feel-good lecture. It's just an observation. I have seen kindness work in my life and in the lives of others, and I know it makes a difference. No guilt trips here, just something to think about.
Think about a time when someone’s unexpected kindness changed your day or even your life. Maybe it was a stranger who covered your coffee when you forgot your wallet. A mentor who gave you a shot when you did not have the experience. A friend who sent a message at just the right moment to remind you that you were not alone.
One small act. One moment of human connection. And yet, it shifted everything. Like the time I was having a terrible day, and a complete stranger held the door for me, smiled, and said, "Hope your day gets better." In that instant, the weight I had been carrying felt just a little lighter. It was such a small thing, but I carried that warmth with me all day. Sometimes, it really is the little things that make the biggest difference.
But here is what everyone misses. We think success is all about pushing forward, but what if the real breakthrough comes from pausing and offering kindness instead? The biggest breakthroughs do not always come from hustling harder. Sometimes, they come from the simplest act of grace, either given or received.
We Have All Been Through Tough Times
It is easy to assume that kindness is something extra, something reserved for when life is going smoothly. But the truth is, we have all lived through tough times. Mine might not have been worse than yours, but they sure felt pretty bad at the time.
I once lived in a mobile home in Louisiana, sitting in a field with no power. The place was not level, so everything rolled off the counter. Looking back now, it does make me chuckle, but at the time, it was not so funny. It taught me something important though. Hard times do not last, but how we treat ourselves and others during those times stays with us. Even in the middle of frustration, a little kindness, whether from others or from myself, helped me keep going.
Lifting Others Lifts Us Too
I have found that my life is richer when I get paid in smiles. The smallest acts, a kind word, a quick compliment, or just being present, can be priceless.
We have all been down, but that does not mean we cannot lift people up every opportunity we get. Simple things can make someone's day. Yesterday, I offered up a nice hat comment to a guy who was looking pretty sad. He gave me a big smile and a heartfelt thank you. The little things can matter more than we realize.
Can you think of a time when someone lifted you up for free when you least expected it?
The Downside of Kindness?
You might be thinking, "What is the downside of kindness?" After all, it is free, it feels good, and it helps others. But here is the twist. Kindness can sometimes go unnoticed, unappreciated, or even rejected. You hold the door for someone, and they do not say thanks. You compliment a coworker, and they brush it off. Does that mean it was not worth it? Not at all.
I remember a time when I went out of my way to help someone who was struggling. I offered advice, checked in, really tried to be there for them. And you know what? They never acknowledged it. No "thank you," no sign that it even mattered. At first, I felt a little stung, wondering if I had wasted my energy. But looking back, I realize that kindness is not about the reaction, it is about the action itself. Maybe they were not in a place to receive it at the time. Maybe it meant more to them than I will ever know. Either way, I know I did the right thing, and that is what counts.
Kindness is not about keeping score. It is about showing up in a way that reflects who you are, not how others react. Sometimes, the people who need kindness the most do not know how to receive it. And that is okay. Because at the end of the day, every act of kindness, whether acknowledged or not, adds something good to the world. And that is never wasted.
Kindness as a Writer
Kindness is not just about what we do in person. It is something we can extend through our words too. As a writer, a single sentence can change someone’s perspective, offer them hope, or make them feel seen. Think about the books, articles, or even comments that have stuck with you over the years. Odds are, they were not just full of information. They carried a sense of humanity and understanding.
Even a simple message, like telling a struggling writer that their work matters, leaving a thoughtful comment on someone’s post, or sharing an encouraging story, can have a bigger impact than you realize. If you have ever received a kind word at just the right time, you know how powerful that can be.
Here is a challenge. Take a moment today to write one kind comment, on a blog, social media post, or even in a message to a friend. See what happens. You might just make someone’s day.
Kindness as a Catalyst
Kindness opens doors. People remember those who treat them well. A single moment of generosity can lead to opportunities you never saw coming.
Kindness builds resilience. It is easy to be hard on yourself when things are not going right. But offering yourself kindness, accepting that you are human, helps you keep going.
Kindness heals. Whether it is past wounds, self doubt, or strained relationships, kindness has a way of softening the edges and creating space for growth.
What If Your Breakthrough Is One Kindness Away?
If you feel stuck right now, ask yourself.
Who in your life needs encouragement today?
Where can you show unexpected kindness?
Are you being as kind to yourself as you would be to a friend in your situation?
So many of the life changing moments we crave, new opportunities, deeper relationships, even a sense of peace, are not just about grinding harder. They are about slowing down long enough to extend kindness.
And sometimes, that one moment of kindness is the very thing standing between you and your next big breakthrough.
Who needs your kindness today? Maybe it is the barista who looks exhausted, the coworker drowning in stress, or the neighbor you barely know. A simple "Hey, I appreciate you" or "That is a great shirt" might be all it takes to turn their day around. Try it and see what happens.
And if you need a little bit of kindness right now, if you are reading this, you are taking a moment to invest in yourself and seeking a way to be better. That is pretty damn terrific. Good for you.
Steve's essay was originally posted on Get Out of Day. I recommend that you subscribe.