Monday, October 21, 2024

Lazy College Professors are Voting for Lazy Kamala Harris

 "Kamala Harris," James Howard Kunstler pithily observed,  "was just pulled out of a hat, like a rabbit. And everybody involved knew she was a dud, a slow learner, inattentive, not well-educated, lazy, possibly high a lot of the time, self-medicating due to anxiety, insecurity, purposelessness."

Yet college professors overwhelmingly support Kamala Harris over Donald Trump for the presidency. According to an Inside Higher Education poll, 78 percent of college professors plan to vote for Harris on November 5th, while only 8 percent said they will vote for Trump. 

Why? Because a high percentage of college faculty members—like Kamala Harris—are lazy. 

Professors feel a kinship with Harris. Like Kamala, most professors speak gobbledegook, a lazy mode of speech, and they find the Vice President's incoherent word salads strangely comforting.

President Biden appointed Kamala as the border czar, but she was too lazy to act on the nation's southern border crisis. Her sloth reassures professors because many aren't doing any practical work themselves.

On college campuses across America, rigor and discipline have collapsed. Grade inflation is rampant because professors are lazy. It's too damn hard for an instructor to distinguish between an A exam paper and a B. It's easier to give every student an A grade. Even at Harvard, the nation’s most elite university, 80 percent of undergraduate students have an A- grade average.

Academic assessment in graduate programs is almost nonexistent. Most graduate students get A or B grades, and plagiarism is no longer a serious academic offense. Professors are too lazy to uphold academic standards.

Again, Harvard is an example. Harvard president Claudine Gay was accused of plagiarizing passages in her dissertation and three academic articles. Harvard investigated these allegations and cleared her of any intentional wrongdoing. After all, plagiarism is no longer an act of academic dishonesty. It's merely a sign of laziness, and laziness is not a sin in the culture of American higher education.

We should not be surprised to learn that lazy college professors support Kamala Harris, a lazy vice president who wants to become our lazy president.

Kamala wants to be president. How hard can the job be?

Friday, October 4, 2024

Guns are banned at the Texas State Fair. Thank God!

Texans can legally carry handguns, but some Texas venues still ban them. The Texas State Fair, which hosts millions of visitors every year, doesn’t allow people to bring firearms onto the fairgrounds.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton tried overturning that ban, but the Texas Supreme Court upheld it. Thank God!

Many years ago, when I lived in Dallas, I had an unpleasant encounter at the Texas State Fair. I was standing in line to make a purchase (perhaps a Fletcher's Corny Dog), and a young Mexican woman was before me. She was accompanied by a small child. I think she was an immigrant because she didn't speak English.

Three men in line made racist remarks about her, calling her a wetback and making other derogatory comments.

I came to the woman’s defense, and soon, I was in a shouting match with these three bigots. All three men began hurling abuse at me. I remember they repeatedly called me a homosexual. In addition to being racists, they were homophobes.  Calling me gay was the worst thing they could think of to demean me.

I admit that my responses were no more appropriate. I began calling them white trash— the worst thing I could think of. I may have called them redneck white trash, which would’ve been gratuitously redundant.

I finally walked away and realized I had made a severe mistake by coming to the Hispanic women’s defense. I had triggered a confrontation that frightened her. She would’ve been better off had I said nothing.

Here’s my point. If my three antagonists had been armed, I think one of them would’ve shot me. And if I had been carrying a gun, I might have shot one of them--maybe all of them.

Americans have a Second Amendment right to own weapons, and several states allow people to carry concealed handguns, and even to wear them openly.

Mark Twain observed that the Constitution guarantees people the right to free speech, but most people have the good sense not to use it.

I feel the same way about handguns. In many states, people have a legal right to carry a pistol. Thank God, most citizens have the good sense not to avail themselves of it.

Urban crime is on the rise. Except for wealthy people who are protected by private security, everyone knows this is true. The day may come when it will make sense for law-abiding people to carry handguns, but that day has not yet arrived.

I’m glad the Texas Supreme Court upheld the State Fair’s firearms ban. If the time comes when people need to carry pistols to the State Fair, then that event should be canceled. Then where would I get my Fletcher's Corny Dog?

Hands off my corny dog, pilgrim.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Zelensky’s victory plan for defeating Russia could get us all killed

Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky visited the United States last week to pitch his victory plan for winning Ukraine’s war with Russia. Zelensky’s schedule was packed. He gave a speech to the United Nations General Assembly, spoke with former President Donald Trump, and met privately with President Joe Biden

Yet he still had time to campaign for the Democrats in Pennsylvania. Was the little soldier interfering with our presidential election to benefit Kamala Harris?

Zelinski’s victory plan has two components. First, he wants Ukraine admitted to NATO. Second, he insists that the Western allies allow him to attack the Russian motherland with advanced weapons systems, including long-range missiles acquired from the West.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said plainly that NATO membership in Ukraine could lead to nuclear war. Putin has also said that Russia might respond with nuclear weapons if Ukraine fires Western-supplied long-range missiles into his country.

I don’t believe President Biden’s handlers are stupid enough to allow Ukraine to fire US-made missiles into the Russian heartland. Their plan is to allow the Ukraine war to drag on for as long as it takes until Russia loses heart and admits defeat.

That plan won’t work. The Russian economy is growing despite Western sanctions, and the Russian army is much bigger now than it was when Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022.

Meanwhile, the war has been a disaster for Ukraine. Its cities and infrastructure are being pounded into rubble.  More than 6 million Ukrainians have fled the country, and thousands of Ukrainian soldiers have been killed or wounded.

There are only two likely outcomes of the war in Ukraine. First, the West can assure Russia that Ukraine will not join NATO and accede to at least some of Russia’s demands for annexation of Ukrainian territory. At the very least, the West must admit that Crimea is part of Russia.

Alternatively, this war can drag on until one side or the other miscalculates, and the war escalates into a nuclear conflict. If that happens, the baby boomer generation will send its grandchildren to Eastern Europe to fight World War III.

Let us suppose the US is plunged into a nuclear war due to missteps by our nation's bungling diplomats. In that case, the Democratic Party can take comfort in the knowledge that its dream of destroying the American economy, American values, and American culture was finally realized.

It was necessary to destroy Ukraine to save it.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

90 second Movie Review: Killer Heat is a Good Contemporary Film Noir

I love film noir movies, especially the black-and-white films made in the 1930s and 1940s that featured cynical private detectives who smoked too much, drank too much, and held cynical views about life in general and women in particular. Humphrey Bogart and Robert Mitchum were masters of film noir, and they wore their slouch fedora hats in a way that made them look both sinister and dissipated.

"Killer Heat" is a worthy addition to the film noir genre. Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays Nick Bali, an ex New York cop whose life was turned upside down by the discovery of his wife’s infidelity. Bali is a Greek American who speaks the Greek language, so he moves to Athens and sets up shop as a private detective who drinks bourbon straight from the bottle.

Bali is hired by Penelope Vardakis (played by the beautiful Shailene Woodley), the sister-in-law of a wealthy man who died under suspicious circumstances. Bali uses effective but slightly dishonest tactics to solve what turns out to be a murder.

I won’t reveal more of the plot other than to say that the story moves quickly and is enhanced by a backstory that explains why Bali is so bitter about his past.

"Killer Heat" may not be great drama, but film noir fans will enjoy it. For one thing, viewers can understand the plot, which is more than can be said for that famous film noire classic, "The Big Sleep." The movie is set in Crete, and the Mediterranean landscape is breathtakingly beautiful. You can find this film on Amazon.

Killer Heat, a film in the classic film noir tradition


Friday, September 27, 2024

90 Seconds Movie Review: Sisu is a Finnish Rambo Movie. What's Not To Like?

 Everyone loves an adventure movie about a heroic underdog who kills vicious Nazis in creative and unusual ways. I know I do. Nazi killing is the secret of success for the "Indiana Jones" movies, "Inglorious Bastards," and "Fury."

"Sisu," a Nordic movie, is a worthy addition to the Nazi-eradication niche of the Action movie genre. Sisu is a Finnish word roughly translated  as "strength of will, determination, perseverance, and acting rationally in the face of adversity."

The movie is a straightforward tale about a retired Finnish soldier who had served as a sniper in Finland's winter war against the Russians. The hero, Aatami Korpi, played by Jorma Tommila, lives a solitary life mining for gold in the Lapland region of Finland. 

Korpi finds a lot of gold, but unfortunately, he is discovered by Nazi soldiers retreating across Finland in the late stage of World War II. The Nazis steal Korpi's gold and try to kill him, but he thwarts them as the movie unfolds across the tundra. 

By the end of the movie, Korpi has dispatched all his Nazi adversaries and rescues a group of Finnish women whom the Nazis planned to exploit as sex slaves. 

Critics have generally reviewed Sisu favorably and compared it to Sergio Leone's spaghetti westerns and Quinton Tarantino's movies. I would describe the flick as a Finnish Rambo film.

Sisu does not pretend to be a cinematic work of art. However, I found the movie satisfying as I watched it on a lazy autumn afternoon. I recommend viewing it with an ice-cold light beer and a bowl of popcorn. You can find it on Netflix.

No worries: The guy with a knife in his brain is a Nazi.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

90 Seconds Food Review: A Dummy’s Guide to Good Texas Barbecue Restaurants

 Most Texans love to eat barbecue, and barbecue restaurants are sprinkled throughout the Lone Star State. How do you choose a good one?

I’ve eaten in dozens of Texas  barbecue  restaurants, and when I’m scoping out a new barbecue joint, I look for three signs

Sign number one. Check out the parking lot. Pickup trucks should outnumber sedans by at least three to one. Most working people in Texas drive pickup trucks, and these folks know their barbecue.

Jim’s Barbecue in Waskom, Texas, is a good example. I’ve often eaten at Jim’s, and pickup trucks always outnumber sedans.

Sign number two. Good Texas barbecue joints usually shun paper napkins in favor of big rolls of paper towels. If you walk into a Texas barbecue restaurant and see industrial rolls of brown paper towels on the tables, you can be sure you’ll eat some good Texas barbecue.

Sign number three. Good Texas barbecue restaurants always offer these three side dishes: baked beans, potato salad, and coleslaw. Texans have never understood the principle of the leafy green vegetable, and you should be suspicious of any barbecue restaurant that offers broccoli, brussels sprouts, or arugula lettuce salads. Too many vegetables is a sign that the restauranteur is conflicted about being in the barbecue business.

Good Texas barbecue restaurants share another common feature. Generally, they serve their customers sweet, iced tea in jumbo-sized plastic glasses— 20 ounces or more. In addition, the server comes by every five minutes and refills the glasses. When you’ve eaten at a good Texas restaurant, you will be satisfied with the food and well-hydrated because you drank two or more quarts of sweet iced tea.

What's wrong with this picture?
Image credit: Houston Food Finder

Monday, September 23, 2024

90 seconds Movie Review: Daddio is a stinker

Saturday night in rural Mississippi and nothing to do. Fortunately, my spotty Internet service is working, and I can rent a movie on

I select Daddio, a new Amazon offering starring Sean Penn and Dakota Johnson. I can rent the movie for six bucks. How bad can it be?

Pretty bad as it turned out. First of all, the entire movie is set in a New York City cab. I kept waiting for Sean and Dakota to get out of the cab and do something interesting, but they never did.

Instead, Sean Penn’s character turns out to be a rustic Freudian psychoanalyst posing as a nosy cab driver. Dakota Johnson plays a stunningly beautiful computer programmer living in midtown Manhattan. As the tedious story unfolds, she reveals herself to be a troubled woman scarred by her dysfunctional childhood back in western Oklahoma. Dakota lost her Oklahoma twang but never shook the anguish of growing up without her father.  

Throughout this excruciatingly long movie, Sean probes Dakota’s hidden anguish with his gritty cab driver's intuition. By the end of the movie, Dakota realizes why she is in an abusive relationship with an older married man.

That’s the whole movie. Before renting this sad sack drama, consider that you are only on this earth for a brief period of time. Do you want to waste part of your precious life watching Sean Penn practice psychiatry without a license?